People testify to many different ways of becoming a Christian. Some are born into Christian families and from infancy are taught the ways of Christ and life in the Spirit. Others know little about Jesus and the Christian life until later in life, when they meet a Christian person or get connected to a Christian group (often a youth group or prayer group). Still others ignore everything spiritual until a life crisis threatens everything they know and love—illness, or failure, or a great grief; in such times, people turn to God and cry out for help. God hears and answers and leads us in a new way.

Whether our awakening is gradual or sudden, whether it occurs when we are young or old, it can be our testimony of how we become a Christian. Some people will say, “I was lost but Jesus found me.” Others will say, “I was unaware until God opened my eyes and my heart.” Still others confess, “My life was a mess, but I found forgiveness and faith and a fresh start in life.”

Becoming a Christian always includes these things:

Prayer, as we reach out to God.

Faith, as we trust that God is real and Jesus is near.

Desire, as we become aware that what we need and want is something only God can provide. We feel called to turn away from doubt, indifference, and all sorts of wickedness, we feel compelled to turn toward God in trust and hope. We look for a Bible to read, and Christian friends to connect with, and a church to attend.

Becoming a Christian generally includes baptism, the public sign of our newfound faith and our desire to live as a follower of Jesus. Sometime people make a public pledge, or join a church, or sign a covenant, or affiliate with some ministry that is attending to the needs of others. These outward forms of giving a testimony of the change in our life are important, but they are not as important as the inward transformation that touches our emotions, our imaginations, and our minds.

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