Join us on March 20, at 7PM in the sanctuary for a night of contemporary music led by Jessica Petrillo. Next up is Bob Young. Come listen to he as he tells of his spiritual journey.* We are also planning a special time of prayer for health and healing, for yourself or for those dear to you. Afterward, we will have some light refreshments and time for fellowship.

This event is all about connecting with each other and enjoying live music, so feel free to share your own story by signing up for a 15-minute spot. You can add your name to the sign-up sheet or contact the Director. Let’s build a strong community by sharing our stories and listening to one another. Your story matters, and you count.

Francisco Gonzalez, Director  (828-318-6975)

  • see the Story-Telling page for directions on how you can tell you story, during FLOURISH or any other venue.

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