Worship at Providence is Sunday morning at 10:30 am, in person in the sanctuary and online on our Facebook page and website home page.

  • The Sunday morning worship of God includes the music of Michael Sebastian, the vocals of Reggie Headen, the preaching of Dwight A. Moody, and the pastoral care of Marcy Mynatt, plus reading of scripture, several moments of silence and reflection, and praying!
  • Following worship, the church often serves a light lunch in the sanctuary followed by conversations; on other Sundays, many join together in a local restaurant for the noon meal.
  • On Sunday afternoon, we host a weekly Worship Meal, serving a hot meal to any and all in the community who need something to eat. It is common for this Worship Meal to attract more participants than our Morning Worship.
  • On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate together The Lord’s Supper. The table is open to all. 
  • We participate in the needs of the church with our tithes and offerings. This is done through the mail, online, or by use of the offering plate at the back of the sanctuary.
  • Here is the Order of Worship for this coming Sunday.
  • Here is the link to the Providence website homepage (for watching the live stream of worship).

“With so much effort being poured into church growth, so much press being given to the benefits of faith, and so much flexing of religious muscle in the public square, the poor in spirit have no one but Jesus to call them blessed anymore.” (Barbara Brown Taylor)

Weekly Newsletter