leafless trees on brown field during sunset

Worship and Preaching

Worship with Providence Sunday morning at 10:30 

In the sanctuary on Oakland Street in Hendersonville


Online at YouTube.com/@ProvidenceHouse

We welcome anyone and everyone to our small sanctuary in Hendersonville. We live stream our worship and you can watch that on the home page of this website and also on our YouTube channel. Occasionally, we stay after worship for a common meal and conversation, but every other Sunday it is our custom to eat together at a local restaurant.

Recent Sermons

What Did You Expect?

June 20, 2021
They planned a homecoming, the four boys and their sisters. Their brother had made good. He was the talk of the town, of the region, of the entire country. In…

Harvest Time Has Come

June 13, 2021
Farmers in the American West say it is the worst they have ever seen. No water. Plenty of sunshine. Plenty of Seeds. Plenty of work. But not enough rain. They…

Jesus and the Spirit

June 6, 2021
We spend too much time focused on church and Christians; and these things can discourage us.
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